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Re: Synchronization/timestamp - can't figure out what's wron

Can you send me an email, so I can send you back a debug version of WinSCP to track the problem? Please include link back to this topic in your email. Also note in this topic that you have sent the email. Thanks.

You will find my address (if you log in) in my forum profile.

Re: Synchronization/timestamp - can't figure out what's wron

martin wrote:

You are likely to have problems if you have switched from XP to 7. You may need to do one-off timestamp synchronization.

I tried this and there is no change.

Even i have tried deleting file from remote server and then re-upload a fresh copy from my local machine the timestamp is still 1 hour different.

I have tried both available settings of the Environment - Daylight Savings Time and there is no change in behaviour.

I understand that this is an open source tool and so I am interested to help find an issue if I can, just let me know what information you need.

One more piece of information which may be relevant: the configuration of the WinSCP program on my Windows7 desktop was imported from a configuration file created by WinSCP on Windows XP. Perhaps the daylight savings adjust code which is necessary for Windows XP but not needed for Win7 is still being executed because of configuration file?

Re: Synchronization/timestamp - can't figure out what's wron

You are likely to have problems if you have switched from XP to 7. You may need to do one-off timestamp synchronization.

I made a mistake in the previous post:

The version of WinSCP used on previous client Windows XP is WinSCP v4.2.8 (Build 818). All other information is correct.

Re: Synchronization/timestamp - can't figure out what's wron

I am seeing the same issue using WinSCP 4.2.9 (Build 938) on Windows 7 (x86-32bit) connecting to Centos 5.3 (x64).

Yes, I have read the relevant section of the documentation (, but I don't know how to fix this issue.

The Windows client is in Summer time, the server is using UTC + offset.

Manually comparing timestamps of the same file shows that the Windows timestamp is +1 hour from the Server timestamp.

Copying the file from Windows to Server does not fix the 1 hour difference timestamp.

Using the Synchronise function finds *all* files as different between windows and server, even though only a few are updated.

I have tried both available settings for "Environment - Daylight Savings Time", but the result is the same for "Adjust Remote Timestamp to local conventions" and "Adjust Remote Timestamp with DST". The "Preserver Remote Timestamp" option is greyed out.

When I used WinSCP 4.3.8 on Windows XP (32bit) to the same Centos 5.3 server, this problem did not occur. The configuration setting of "Environment - Daylight Savings Time" was "Adjust Remote Timestamp to local conventions".

I suspect that this is a problem introduced in WinSCP 4.2.9, or maybe it is because the client is Windows 7.

Any advice?

Synchronization/timestamp - can't figure out what's wrong!

Hi there - I've read the documentation regarding the timestamping issues associated with Windows clients, but I'm unable to solve the problem where DST is causing a timestamp mismatch when syncing files between the client and server.

The issue I have is that some (not all) files are stamped an hour behind on the server - this shows in the remote window in WinSCP and also when I run a synchronization preview. I've tried both settings in the login setup: Adjust remote timestamp to local conventions and Adjust remote timestamp with DST - neither works. I have tried synchronizing the files again and also just synchronizing timestamps and that doesn't work either (next time I run the sync the same set of files comes up for syncing, even though they have not changed).

Pertinent details:
- WinSCP client 4.3.1 on Win7 x64
- OpenSSH server (so SFTP v3) on CentOS 5.5

Perhaps I'm missing something obvious? Any help would be greatly appreciated!