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Re: open Server with Host key with Winscp Scripting does not wor

Can you post script, with host key unveiled (it is not secret, it public key after all). And also the message prompt your user is getting?

open Server with Host key with Winscp Scripting does not wor

Yes. The host key is the same as mine.

Re: open Server with Host key with Winscp Scripting does not wor

No, there's no language difference. Is the user the same hostkey in the confirmation prompt and you are?

open Server with Host key with Winscp Scripting does not wor


I am using winscp scripting feature to connect to a cluster(linux) from a application on windows. I have added the below code to always connect to teh server with the host key. the below code worked pretty well for me and other with the exe and winscp installed on their machines.

open servername -hostkey="ssh-rsa 1024 xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx" and it worked pretty well and asked for the userid and password and so on.

Now ,there is one user, having a problem to connect to the server using the exe. In the program, I check in the registry for the actual location of Winscp on teh users machine and then run it with the open commnad below.

open servername -hostkey="ssh-rsa 1024 xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx"
it works fine for most of them but this user sits in europe running this application.I he gets this error even with correct userid passwrd.
"server host key not detected in teh Cache"
I am wondering if there is a language difference issue here in detecting the host key?
Coudl you please let mek now iwhat could be the problem here.It s going on production in a day, an urgent issue to be resolved. You help will be highly appreciated.
