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Re: How to download more files simultaneously

Anonymous wrote:

this seems to happen only if using the User Interface, dragging more folders to download.

What I need is to do the same task but using the command shell (I mean the DOS terminal window).

I understand. Hence my recommendation.

Re: How to download more files simultaneously

martin wrote:

You can run multiple instances of WinSCP in parallel.


this seems to happen only if using the User Interface, dragging more folders to download.

What I need is to do the same task but using the command shell (I mean the DOS terminal window).

Do you know a way to do that?

Re: How to download more files simultaneously

You can run multiple instances of WinSCP in parallel.

How to download more files simultaneously


using the Graphical User Interface and making a Drag&Drop transfer of a 7 folders with more nested folders and files from a remote host to my local server I've discovered that enabling the option "Transfer each file individually" the bandwith percentage used for the ftp transfer is much Higher that's much better for me.
The task I've to build is a daily transfer automatic schedule (no user intervention) of about 1.5TB from a Unix host to my local Windows Server, so the performance is very important!
The problem is that I'm not able to reproduce the "Transfer each file individually" option in the command line script; how I can do that? Which any other way to pump bandwith allocate for the ftp in WinSCP?

Many thanks for the help!
