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Re: Incorrect character encoding with Mac OS X Leopard SFTP host

I have sent you an email.

Re: Incorrect character encoding with Mac OS X Leopard SFTP host

Hello Martin,

Thank you for your reply!

martin wrote:

May I have a test account on your server?

I am afraid that is not possible. The server is on a private network of my university and firewall-protected, hence the tunnel.

However, I could provide full debug logs or run debug software (client and server-site) if you provide me with it.


Re: Incorrect character encoding with Mac OS X Leopard SFTP host

May I have a test account on your server?

Incorrect character encoding with Mac OS X Leopard SFTP host

Dear Forum,

I ran into a problem with WinSCP regarding international characters (special chars) when accessing a Mac OS X Leopard (version 10.5.8) host via SFTP (same for SCP).

Searching the FAQ, this forum or Google didn't answer my question.

Remote file names containing international characters are incorrectly displayed in WinSCP (GUI) and also incorrectly copied to the local site. E.g. ü -> ̈ or ñ -> ̃.

I tried all three options of the 'UTF-8 encoding for filenames' parameter. 'Auto' and 'Off' produce the above behaviour and 'On' will show ü as and ñ as n~, however file copy fails with the error:
No such file or directory.
Error code: 2
Error message from server: No such file
Request code: 3

WinSCP version: 4.3.2 (same with the previous version)
Remote server: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.2 (Mac OS X 10.5.8)
Using SSH protocol version 2
SFTP version 3 negotiated.
Connection via SSH tunnel.

I can provide a full log if that's required.

Any help is greatly appreciated.
