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Re: Passive Mode is always enabled, when using commandline mode

Thanks for your post. This issue has been added to tracker.

Passive Mode is always enabled, when using commandline mode

WinScp Version: 4.3.2
OS: Windows XP Sp3
Transfer protocol: FTP
Console/command line mode
Command is like:
wincp.exe /console /log="%LOGDIR%\Synchronize.xml" /command "option batch on" "option confirm off" "open ftp://%user%:%password%@%server%:%port%/%Directory%/" "option transfer binary" "option include ""*.*""" "synchronize local -criteria=both -mirror -delete ""%LocalPath%""" exit

Console WinScp is always connecting in passive mode. And there is no command-line switch, to disable PassiveMode (only to enable). And I need to use FTP without Passive Mode.

(Command line is Ok. It worked fine, when Passive Mode connection was possible)