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Topic review

Thejasvi V

Re: odd things with winscp

Just came across the same error while trying to transfer a file called "bible01" from remote to local:

"H:\Stats\bible01 is not a file"

Then I figured out there was already a folder with the same name in the local. Removed that folder, and the transfer was smooth.

Re: odd things with winscp

Anonymous wrote:

and another small issue is, when you press ctrl-F on a file in winscp panel, it copies the path with incorrect last slash , before the file name, for instance:


instead of


I'll look at this.

Re: odd things with winscp

vlad wrote:

so here is my problem(s) - both happens spontaneously... can't be repeated on the same file or directory... but both happens when copying structure of directories

1) while copying files from UNIX (protocol doesn't matter - ssh1 or ssh2, scp or sftp) it gives such errors

C:\work\roia\template' is not file!
Abort Retry Skip

(while template is a directory).

I haven't seen the error before. Unless you can define specific circumstances under which it happens, I can hardly do anything with it :-(

Re: odd things with winscp

and another small issue is, when you press ctrl-F on a file in winscp panel, it copies the path with incorrect last slash , before the file name, for instance:


instead of



odd things with winscp


it's been a while I bothered you last time... :)

so here is my problem(s) - both happens spontaneously... can't be repeated on the same file or directory... but both happens when copying structure of directories

1) while copying files from UNIX (protocol doesn't matter - ssh1 or ssh2, scp or sftp) it gives such errors

C:\work\roia\template' is not file!
Abort Retry Skip

(while template is a directory). or this one:

'C:\work\roia\mod_perl.conf' is not folder!
Abort Retry Skip

while mod_per.conf is a file....

2) plugin dies (i.e. far is back to c:\ panel) with error code (can't remember exact saying, but the meaning is) invalid address - I'll post the code in this thread next time I see it. Also, this often takes 'far' to nirvana as well, not only plugin.

p.s. FreeBSD + openssh is a server
