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I have sent you an email.

Using WinSCP GUI, no. I see only HH:MM.
But when using for example FileZilla, I can see HH:MM:SS of remote files.

Interesting thing is that when I use the same synchronize script on WinXP virtual machine installed on my Win7, the script doesn't download already dowloaded files (with that :00 seconds problem). (And sorry, my FTP server is not IIS, it's Filezilla).

Re: Timestamp synchronize problem on Windows 7

Can you see the seconds in timestamp of the remote files?

Timestamp synchronize problem on Windows 7


I'm using WinSCP 4.3.2, in command line mode, to synchronize files from my IIS ftp server. While I was on WinXP, everything worked fine, now I have following problem:
the synchronize command downloads same and same files again, because the timestamp of local files is wrong. But it's not the usual 1 hour offset, the time is almost correct, it's just that the seconds in local file are always set to ":00".

How to solve this issue?