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commande qui retourn une valeur et condoition

bonjour ,
peut etre que j'ai mal exprimé en englais,ce que je veux exactement apres la connexion a mon ftps:
option batch on
option confirm off
open ftps://****:*****@****.*****.com:*** -implicit
cd /inbox
ls LEN*(celui va me retourner une valeur si'il existe de fichier sinon 0)
dans le cas ou le fichier existe je veux envoyer un message par email a mon adresse exemple ***,est ce que ca possible par winscp432(

Re: searching a commande same as dir >

abdel-droussi wrote:

im the same user and i forgot to ask if accept the command like if then and if so is there a command which can send message?what i need exactly to search the content of directory by :winscp>cd /inbox
winscp>ls test*
after if available send a message if not noneed,is it possible to do that in winscp?if so which commands i have to type?
thanks in advance

Re: searching a commande same as dir >

abdel wrote:

im using and every thing is ok to connect to an ftps,but i need a commande that will write the content of ftps file in my local computer without deleting it same as dir > test.txt in DOS Command,is it possible or not?i can display the content with ls but as i told to save a copy in a text file without changing it.
thank you

Do you mean that you want to append the source remote file to the end of target local file?
Use get -append for that:

searching a commande same as dir >

im the same user and i forgot to ask if accept the command like if then and if so is there a command which can send message?what i need exactly to search the content of directory by :winscp>cd /inbox
winscp>ls test*
after if available send a message if not noneed,is it possible to do that in winscp?if so which commands i have to type?
thanks in advance

searching a commande same as dir >

im using and every thing is ok to connect to an ftps,but i need a commande that will write the content of ftps file in my local computer without deleting it same as dir > test.txt in DOS Command,is it possible or not?i can display the content with ls but as i told to save a copy in a text file without changing it.
thank you