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non-english font showing ????; downloads fail

WinSCP 4.3.2 build 1201. I use Windows 7, SP1, Acer core2duo 1.8 ghz processors, Nvidia 128mb video ram, 3gb ram. Using FTP protocol with port 21.

my issue is that I am attempting to open/download folders which contain Thai language characters in them. But in your program ONLY, where there should be Thai symbols, it shows ?????? in the folder/filename. Then when I click on the file to request it for download or to look at folder contents, I get an error that file name "ENGLISH ??????????" does not exist. The Thai characters show fine in MSIE, Opera, uTorrent, and other programs). Why your program cannot properly display the characters? It is definetly affecting my downloads.

I do have the Thai language pack for windows 7 installed.