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Re: access

martin wrote:

You have to contact YOUR server administrator. I cannot help you with this.
Since I am it, I guess there is nothing to do. Thanks for your time.

Re: access

You have to contact YOUR server administrator. I cannot help you with this.



I am the server administrator. The three computers were at separate locations on separate IP addresses. All using the saved hostname and user name. The password was the one that has always been used. Now the site is telling me that access is denied. It appears to me the password has either been stolen and changed or something compromised the user or host name.

If I sent you or your system administrator for this this site the host/user name can you look to see if the "folder" is still there and if there is a way for you or your system administrator to reset the password?

If this cannot be done then I will request at that time for you or your system administrator to erase the "folder" and all data contained in it.


Re: access

You should rather contact your server administrator.


At the login screen, we press the login hotkey.
Then at the password screen it says "Prompting for credentials"
We enter the password.
The next screen says "Connecting to...(hostname) "Connected with...(hostname)"Waiting for welcome message" "Access denied". The information for the host name and user name seems to be correct. Not sure what has happened. Tried to enter on 3 computers with WinSCP, same problem. Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows XP are the operating systems. I do not know what has happened. Any thoughts or help is appreciated.


Re: no access

That relates to the hostname, not username.

no access

I'm afraid I've been com[promised as my password no longer works. Here's what I gt when sgning on:

The requested name is valid and was found in the database, but it does not have the correct associated data being resolved for.
Connection failed.

Can you assist me?