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Re: non existent directory d part 2

arthawk wrote:


Thanks for the quick reply. Let me give some more details on the problem. Our hard drive had gotten corrupted a couple of weeks ago. Our computer guy
said our drives were bad, gave us new drives, and
renamed the drives F and G, instead of C and D. We
can't switch the letters back. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling the winscp app, but i
keep getting the same error window. I hope this gives
you a better idea of what's going on. We need the app
to recognize that D directory doesn't exist and to
recognize the new directory so we can log on. Again,
any help would be appreciated.

I had the same problems, i found out that i has a cd as d: and a daemon tool mounted volyme as d: aswell. I removed the mounted volyme from daemon tool and i started to work. Try to mount a cd with Daemon tool as d: and it may work.

I don't know why the winscp3 windows program require a d: (writable or non writable).

Good luck!


non existent directory d part 2


Thanks for the quick reply. Let me give some more details on the problem. Our hard drive had gotten corrupted a couple of weeks ago. Our computer guy
said our drives were bad, gave us new drives, and
renamed the drives F and G, instead of C and D. We
can't switch the letters back. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling the winscp app, but i
keep getting the same error window. I hope this gives
you a better idea of what's going on. We need the app
to recognize that D directory doesn't exist and to
recognize the new directory so we can log on. Again,
any help would be appreciated.

Re: non existent directory

danielnazario wrote:

I'm getting the same error. "Directory D: doesn't exist."
I have only an E: drive (no C: or D: ).

It is known problem, read following topic
- Can't connect. Directroy "D:" does not exist??
Unfortunatelly I have no idea what may cause this. And I do not have any computer without C: and D: drive to test it by myself :-(

Re: non existent directory

martin wrote:

Do you have C: drive? Do you have D: drive?


I'm getting the same error. "Directory D: doesn't exist."
I have only an E: drive (no C: or D: ).


From Brazil 8)

Re: non existent directory

Do you have C: drive? Do you have D: drive?

non existent directory


Whenever i try to login to the server i'm using,
i keep getting an error code saying that "directory
D doesn't exist". Is there a way to remedy this? Any
help would be appreciated.