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Looks like the problem wasn't a WinSCP bug but a linux bug itself--the support forum for the server announced a patch on the leap year issue.

leap year again

I'm having the same problem--I've been connected to a remote server, working on it all day. When the server time flipped to February 29th, right at midnight, I was unable to list files in the directory properly. I get this error:

Unexpected directory listing line '-rw------- 1 wx22dt g01 17518 Feb 29 00:18 .sh_history'.
Invalid argument to date encode

My local time zone is 2 hours behind the server's. I tried another server as well in the same time zone, and I'm getting a similar error. I will post a follow up when we in the mountain time zone flip over also--I'll connect to a local server here.


For list of reasons WinSCP cannot parse directory listing and possible resolutions, see documentation.

martin wrote:

It is completely different error. You probably did not have "group" name in the directory listing.

Regardless of whether it is a completely different problem or not, it worked for me. At 10pm Feb28th my time (12am Feb29th server time) I started getting the set date error on both my servers. I changed the option in WinSCP, and the error went away, on both servers. That's why I called it a workaround and not a solution.

Hitek wrote:

I'm seeing the same thing.

I have found a workaround:
in the advanced options, under environment/SCP, checking the "Alias LS to display group name" seems to fix the problem.

It is completely different error. You probably did not have "group" name in the directory listing.

Re: leap year issue

Jim wrote:

Same problem here. I upgraded to the latest (3.5.5beta) and still have the same problem -- any file with a date of Feb 29 chokes the directory scan.

It works fine for me, both with SCP and SFTP. However I'm trying it now (1st March). Did the error disappear?

I'm seeing the same thing.

I have found a workaround:
in the advanced options, under environment/SCP, checking the "Alias LS to display group name" seems to fix the problem.

Re: leap year issue

I have encounterd the same problem too. Looking for
a solution...or will everything "return to normal"
on 03/01/04??

Unexpected directory listing line 'drwxr-xr-x 2 bport bport 5120 Feb 29 00:52 area'.
Invalid argument to date encode

analog_boy wrote:

I think the date library winscp is using is broken... Any files/directories I've modified today have generated the error below:

Unexpected directory listing line '-rw-r--r-- 1 clfweb clfweb 276 Feb 29 00:40 .htaccess'.
Invalid argument to date encode

I've tested the theory and it's held true to any file I've modifed.

Harlan Iverson

Re: leap year issue

Same problem here. I upgraded to the latest (3.5.5beta) and still have the same problem -- any file with a date of Feb 29 chokes the directory scan.

analog_boy wrote:

I think the date library winscp is using is broken... Any files/directories I've modified today have generated the error below:

Unexpected directory listing line '-rw-r--r-- 1 clfweb clfweb 276 Feb 29 00:40 .htaccess'.
Invalid argument to date encode

leap year issue

I think the date library winscp is using is broken... Any files/directories I've modified today have generated the error below:

Unexpected directory listing line '-rw-r--r-- 1 clfweb clfweb 276 Feb 29 00:40 .htaccess'.
Invalid argument to date encode

I've tested the theory and it's held true to any file I've modifed.

Harlan Iverson