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Anonymous FTP Script Example

You can get it to work in a script by using anonymous as both the username and password.

Haven't tested it against an SFTP site, but it worked fine against FTP.
Tested using WinSCP version on Windows Server 2008r2

So what credentials are you using and what the other clients are using instead?

I can't connect to anymous ftp.
I try to connect to but i still prompted for password and then
Żądana nazwa jest prawidłowa i została znaleziona w bazie danych, ale dane, z kterymi jest skojarzona, są niepoprawne.
Connection failed.

But other ftp clients are connecting to it.
I'm using WinSCP 5.0. (build 1456).

Anonymous wrote:

To answer your question:
WinSCP does not support anonymous FTP. Althought some WinSCP works for some anonymous FTP sites, it doesn't work for many.

That's not true. See my previous post.

To answer your question:
WinSCP does not support anonymous FTP. Althought some WinSCP works for some anonymous FTP sites, it doesn't work for many.

Re: using WinSCP for anonymous ftp

There's nothing special about anonymous FTP.
Just specify the credentials as documented here:

Re: using WinSCP for anonymous ftp

I can't say I disagree with your opinion, but as a developer on a government project only requirements matter. I have a requirement to access data from the anonymous FTP site of another government agency. I don't have the luxury of telling them how to do business. I don't have the option of ignoring a requirement. The product either supports anonymous FTP or it doesn't and we will have to use another method of meeting the requirement. Could you please answer the questions:

Does Winscp support anonymous FTP? (Yes or no)
If Winscp does support anonymous FTP, how does one script it?

Sorry if this is terse, but you have to understand that when you are looking for answers and all you get are opinions it is extremely frustrating.

Re: using WinSCP for anonymous ftp

Keep in mind that WinSCP is not FTP client! It is SCP and SFTP client. In my opinion, anonymous SCP/SFTP is nonsense.

using WinSCP for anonymous ftp

How can I use WinSCP3 to get files from an anonymous ftp server? It works fine connecting to the server if I use the userid/password I have on that machine, but when I try to use anonymous in the userid field, it rejects the password (of my email address).

Chris Banres