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Topic review


RedNax wrote:

I think we're experienceing this very problem..

WinSCP logs on, then the interface disappears. Taskmgr shows Winscp process still running.

And now for the weird part. When you run procmon (from and have it capture events, Winscp will behave as expected.
When procmon is stopped (capturing events)/exited Winscp will revert to the crashing behaviour..

This occurs on WinXP SP3 with WinSCP 5.06 (build 2074) and Process Monitor v3.0

Hope there's a solution to this as havving procmon running slows down the system significantly.

Thanks for your report.
I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to address you have used to register on this forum.


I think we're experienceing this very problem..

WinSCP logs on, then the interface disappears. Taskmgr shows Winscp process still running.

And now for the weird part. When you run procmon (from and have it capture events, Winscp will behave as expected.
When procmon is stopped (capturing events)/exited Winscp will revert to the crashing behaviour..

This occurs on WinXP SP3 with WinSCP 5.06 (build 2074) and Process Monitor v3.0

Hope there's a solution to this as havving procmon running slows down the system significantly.


Re: WinSCP crashing on winxp system

mkridlo wrote:

I am experiencing the same problem. Could you please help me out?

What version of WinSCP are you using? Have you tried the latest one?

Re: WinSCP crashing on winxp system

I am experiencing the same problem. Could you please help me out?

Re: WinSCP crashing on winxp system

I have sent you an email.

WinSCP crashing on winxp system

winscp version : 4.3.3 (Build 1340)
Operating System : Microsoft Win Xp Pro SP3 (OS 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3)
Transfer Protocol : SFTP (SCP)
SFTP version : SFTP version 3 negotiated
Automated Script : No
Interface Style : Commander
Connecting to : OpenSuse 11

1. Launch WinSCP from start menu
2. Session is stored with password saved so I click on Login
3. After clicking login i see a small window where I can see some progress of connection but can't read what is happening

I can see winscp in taskbar and in process explorer(task manager) but it is not available as window. when i click icon on taskbar i get message that it is not responding
Then I had to close it forcibly.

from around 30 tries i was able to login and see the files once only.

log file