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No they don't show even after WinSCP or windows restart.

The folder where I unzip is not a system folder but an ordinary folder.


Re: Windows 7 WinSCP doesn't display unzipped files

Do they show if you restart WinSCP?

What directory do you unzip files to? Is it some system folder? Does it happen if you unzip files in Documents folder?

Windows 7 WinSCP doesn't display unzipped files


Since few days WINSCP started to behave strangely. When I unzip a zip file on local disk and then browse that folder in winscp, it doesn't display the unzipped files in local pane. However, all other programs e.g. windows explorer display those extracted files. I am using windows 7 Home Premium and winscp version is 4.3.3 (Build 1340).

Can anyone guide what could have caused this and how this can be fixed.
