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Anonymous wrote:

Any reason why this doesnt work in the latest version? If it is supposed to then I guess I am hitting a bug. Should I reinstall it?

It should work. Please describe steps to reproduce the problem in detail. Thanks.

Anonymous wrote:

martin wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

say the target directory is /opt/oracle/source. When I upload the project1 folder with sql1.sql file in the project1 folder, it would create the directory in source called project1 and the sql1.sql file would be in it.

That's what it does ot what you want it to do? I got lost.

It's not anymore on the most recent installed version.

Any reason why this doesnt work in the latest version? If it is supposed to then I guess I am hitting a bug. Should I reinstall it?

martin wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

say the target directory is /opt/oracle/source. When I upload the project1 folder with sql1.sql file in the project1 folder, it would create the directory in source called project1 and the sql1.sql file would be in it.

That's what it does ot what you want it to do? I got lost.

It's not anymore on the most recent installed version.

Anonymous wrote:

say the target directory is /opt/oracle/source. When I upload the project1 folder with sql1.sql file in the project1 folder, it would create the directory in source called project1 and the sql1.sql file would be in it.

That's what it does ot what you want it to do? I got lost.

say the target directory is /opt/oracle/source. When I upload the project1 folder with sql1.sql file in the project1 folder, it would create the directory in source called project1 and the sql1.sql file would be in it.

Hopefully that's better stated.

IE: I have a Windows folder in My Documents called Source. In there I create folders for projects(example Project1). In Projet1 I have sql scripts(Example 1.sql). When right click on Project1 to upload it and the files in it to the server, only the 1.sql file is uploaded - WINSCP is no longer creating the directory AND copying the file, it's just copying the file

WINSCP used to create the directory for me. The steps I take are as follows:

I right click on the folder I want to upload the Send To > WINSCP > Select the server from WINSCP > I click the drop down to select the path to copy to and default transfer is text and click copy. I log onto the server and cd to the directory and its not there. Instead the files that are in my Windows folder are there.

I don't know what version I had but did that feature go away in the current release or is this a settings/preferences thing? I looked over them 3x so far but didn't see anything.

Thanks for your help in advance!

Re: Windows folder right click send to fails to create directory

Do I understand right, that you specify the target remote directory manually (by typing it) and you expect WinSCP to create the directory?

Windows folder right click send to fails to create directory

Hi all,

I just got a pc refresh at work and don't have my old laptop to poke around the settings. How do I get WINSCP to create the folder I am sending/uploading? It used to work this way but now after a new install of the latest version its only sending the files inside the folder.
