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Re: Problem setting timezone offset

craig wrote:

Save a session. Load it. Change the Server timezone offset and click save. Go back to check the server timezone offset and there I have -1h -45m.

Went into the ini file and noticed that the time was saved as -0.083333333333. I changed it to -0.084 and when I load the session now it is set to -2h -0min.

Sorry, still no success. It works as expected.

What I do (with 3.5.5 beta):
- create new empty session (new button on stored sessions tab)
- click save to save session
- click load to load the session
- select SCP tab
- offset is 0 hours, 0 minutes
- set offset to -2 hours, 0 minutes
- click save to save (overwrite) session
- on SCP tab, I see -2 hours, 0 minutes
- select stored session tab
- load the session
- on SCP tab, I again see -2 hours, 0 minutes

Do I do something differently than you?

Re: Problem setting timezone offset

martin wrote:

I'm not able to reproduce this. Can you send me a list of exact steps that you do? Thanks.

Save a session. Load it. Change the Server timezone offset and click save. Go back to check the server timezone offset and there I have -1h -45m.

Went into the ini file and noticed that the time was saved as -0.083333333333. I changed it to -0.084 and when I load the session now it is set to -2h -0min.


Re: Problem setting timezone offset

I'm not able to reproduce this. Can you send me a list of exact steps that you do? Thanks.

Problem setting timezone offset

I reported a similar bug in an earlier version. It seems to still be in 3.5.5 (Build 211)

I am trying to set the SCP timezone offset to a value of -2. After setting the option to -2 hrs 0 mins, I click Save.. to save the session. When I click back to the SCP options page, I find that the value has been set to -1 hr -45mins.

It seems to happen with certain numbers, -2, -4, -8, 2, 4 and 8.
