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Re: sftp connection problem

Jazzykeith wrote:

I have Ubuntu Linux running on an Amazon "small" instance server. It has been working ok until now
When logging in I get the message "
Cannot initialize SFTP protocol. Is the host running a SFTP server?
OK Reconnect (1 s) Help

This was working ok and no changes to winscp have been made . We can connect via putty with no error. To the best of my knowledge nothing has changed on the Amazon server

Can you post a log file both from WinSCP and PuTTY?

sftp connection problem

I have Ubuntu Linux running on an Amazon "small" instance server. It has been working ok until now
When logging in I get the message "
Cannot initialize SFTP protocol. Is the host running a SFTP server?
OK Reconnect (1 s) Help

This was working ok and no changes to winscp have been made . We can connect via putty with no error. To the best of my knowledge nothing has changed on the Amazon server

I had this issue and it turned out to be because I had added a new script to my .cshrc (the csh equivalent to .bashrc) that required a tty in order to run. When WinSCP tunnels over ssh there isn't a tty, so it couldn't run the script and couldn't log in.

I had an error in my .bashrc login script and this was causing the error

Re: Error: Cannot initialize SFTP protocol.

Please read documentation for common reasons of getting this error and some resolution hints.

Re: Error: Cannot initialize SFTP protocol.

Turns out my password on the server had expired. I reset my password and am able to connect fine.

Error: Cannot initialize SFTP protocol.

I am using version 4.0.4 (build 346) with explorer like environment.

The protocol is setup as SFTP Yes, Allow SCP Fallback.

When I try to logon to the server, I get the following error:
"Connection has been unexpectedly closed. Server sent command exit status 1. Cannot initialize SFTP protocol. Is the host running a SFTP server?"

My colleague has the same configuration but is running version 3.8.2 and is able to connect.

What could be the problem?

Thank you.