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mv command

OK thanks - that explains it

However there is some permission problem with the -delete option

I'll have a play

Re: Problem with MV from the command line

Command mv moves remote files to a different remote directory. Use "put -delete" instead.

Problem with MV from the command line

I have a .bat file containing the following
c:\"Program Files"\WinSCP\ user:pass@mydomain /command "put c:\jools.pdf /home/jools/pdfemail/invoices/"

Using PUT the command works as expected and the PDF file is copied ok - when changing the PUT to a MV WinSCP comes back with the error

error moving file 'c:\jools.pdf' to /home/jools/pdfemail/invoices/c:\jools.pdf'

No such file or drectory

If I use the linux format c:/jools.pdf I still get a no such file or directory error - i'm guessing from the windows side??
