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Topic review


Re: exit status 0 (scp or sftp problem)

I pulled many hairs tongiht and searched for answer, and finally I found that a little change of the shell in the passwd file did it. Instead of /bin/switch I wrote /bin/sh. I connect to a Windows OpenSSH.

The switch script file tries to solve some stuff, but I couldnt get scp or sftp to work even with many clients and settings. Now finally it works, and I can rest peacefully tonight...

Re: exit status 0

This error message usually does not help you very much. You need to investigate logs of the server to see why it closes the session.

Do you use SCP or SFTP?

exit status 0

Can anyone define and exit status of 0 for me. The complete error I get is.

"Connection has been unexpectedly closed. Sever sent command exit status 0."

Any insite would be helpful.