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Re: Dynamically Changing Hostname in INI file

martin wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Actually, I see now how to use the PasswordPlain attribute; however, when I adjust the INI to read PasswordPlain=XXXXXX, then save the file and connect to the host, the configuration is changed back to Password=<EncryptedPassword>

But that should not matter in your scenario, shoudn't it?

Good point. I will revisit. Thanks for your help.


Re: Dynamically Changing Hostname in INI file

Anonymous wrote:

Actually, I see now how to use the PasswordPlain attribute; however, when I adjust the INI to read PasswordPlain=XXXXXX, then save the file and connect to the host, the configuration is changed back to Password=<EncryptedPassword>

But that should not matter in your scenario, shoudn't it?

Re: Dynamically Changing Hostname in INI file

Actually, I see now how to use the PasswordPlain attribute; however, when I adjust the INI to read PasswordPlain=XXXXXX, then save the file and connect to the host, the configuration is changed back to Password=<EncryptedPassword>

Please advise.


Re: Dynamically Changing Hostname in INI file

Thanks, that's helpful information. I don't see the option in WinSCP.exe when creating the session. I have 4.2.8 - do I need a newer version? I understood you to mean that it's an option when creating the session and not a switch that I include when opening the session, correct?

Dynamically Changing Hostname in INI file


I have numerous hosts that I need to connect to in order to retrieve a file. The login names and passwords are identical to each other. The only difference is the host name, so I've developed a script that will change the hostname in the file and leave the UID/PW intact. I can see in the INI file that everything is correct for the session, however, when I try to connect, I am prompted for keyboard-interactive authentication as if it doesn't have a password stored for the session, even though I see it in the INI file.

Please advise.
