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Topic review


btw winscp is very good! thanks

OK, thanks for the suggestion.

The company firewall Admin told me that.
But i checked it as you mentioned it, WinSCP keeps the connection open. :-)
Maybe the maximum transfer limit should be setable per server.
e.g. 1-2 for the limited company and 3 for all others.

Because running 1x PuTTY and up to 3 WinSCP Sessions will lock me out ;-)

Re: multiconn. should be hold instead of dropped after transfer

WinSCP does that. Can you post a log file showing your problem?

multiconn. should be hold instead of dropped after transfer

in fact of restrictive firewalls in front of ssh servers, the winscp client should not close the transfer session after a transfer.

instead it should keep the management session (for browsing) and the transfer sessions 1-n open after transfering files.

example: the firewall blocks an ip after 3 new ssh connections per minute.