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Topic review


Re: Application ID for WinSCP

I'm sorry, but we do not have that.

Re: Application ID for WinSCP

The client mentioned it as MSAPPS ID (Microsoft applications ID, I believe). The client needs the ID to allow the computer where the Winscp is running to open up the port to connect to the outside of the network. Here is what the client sent to me:
...the problem is we can't identify the MSAPPS ID for the application that is already in the Extranet today – the one you want to expose externally to FTP. If there is not one, then this is a rogue application. However, since it already has a VIP today, it was either approved in the past or the VIP was repurposed for this rogue application...

Re: Application ID for WinSCP

What kind of Application ID do you mean?

Application ID for WinSCP

What is the Application ID for WinSCP?
