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Weird ;) I gues the problem is the way the modified notepad.exe calls ultraedit. Perhaps WinSCP "thinks" that the programm has closed and thus removes the temporary file / folder.

Yes, that is quite probable.
Thanks for info.

Thanks for the fast reply!

After I discovered that I can open some files with ultraedit it became clear quite quickly:
I cannot open / edit files which are registered with the NOTEPAD-Wrapper that you can use with UltraEdit to actually replace notepad.exe. After resetting the Filetypes to open directly with UltraEdit (not with the modified Notepad.exe) it just works fine.

Weird ;) I gues the problem is the way the modified notepad.exe calls ultraedit. Perhaps WinSCP "thinks" that the programm has closed and thus removes the temporary file / folder.

Maybe you could add this to the FAQ?

I am happy now and I will continue exploring WinSCP ;)


Re: Unable to open a file / Unable to use external editor

It works fine for me. Please post a log file for session in which you try to open file in ultraedit. Also try to use notepad instead of ultraedit (just for testing).

Unable to open a file / Unable to use external editor


downloaded WinSCP - like it ;)

But I cannot open a file. When I doubleclick a file, the associated application starts, but it cannot find the file. I tried a bit around and finally I found it. The file is not created in the temporary folder. When I use the internal editor the file opened for editing is saved to [My temporary directory]/scpXXXXX/filename
But when opening a file or using another external editor (ultraedit) the directory and thus the file is not created.

Is this a known issue? Is there a workaround? I'm using WinXP and the lates Version of WinSCP (3.5.5beta)

Any help is appreciated!