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Re: Append Login details after opening the WinSCP exe

The syntax in the referenced post should work.
For details refer here:

If it does not help, you need to post a log file. Also make sure you are using the latest stable version, what you seem not to.

Append Login details after opening the WinSCP exe


Am using the below command to open the WinSCP exe & to pass the Hostname & port, it works fine

START "C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP3\WinSCP3.exe" s -hostkey="18"

Can someone please let me know how to append login details to the above line (Username & password)

UserName: country
Password: c0unTRY

Tried with the syntax given : but it was not working

Some one help me on this plssssssss :?

Thanks in Advance