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Don't know why, got no error message simply no reaction to double-click other then a flicker of an hour-glass. I'll try 5.02

5.02 works fine.
Still UNC-paths but as far as I can detect it is only one server.
Edit: I had \\servername\folder1\folder2\ as "home directory" for this session and when I changed it to c:\Documents...\username\Desktop it works fine. No UNC-path error

anlu42 wrote:

I tried installing 501 but after installation it doesn't start.
Reverted to 4.3.4 and all works fine, still UNC-path error but I can use the software.

Why it did not start? Were you getting this error?
If you did, 5.0.2 should work for you.

I tried installing 501 but after installation it doesn't start.
Reverted to 4.3.4 and all works fine, still UNC-path error but I can use the software.

Re: Invalid Port Number

Ankur Jain wrote:

I am getting same error message when i am trying to connect to putty from winscp. It is working in latest final version. Thanks for your help

What version of WinSCP are you using? Have you tried 5.0.1 beta?
Ankur Jain

Invalid Port Number

I am getting same error message when i am trying to connect to putty from winscp. It is working in latest final version. Thanks for your help

Ankur Jain

Re: winSCP 5 "500 invalid PORT command

Hmm in 4.3.4 I have no recollection of making an active choice.
Thanks for the help.

How about the UNC path error which shows up in both versions?

Re: winSCP 5 "500 invalid PORT command

In 4.3.4 you are using passive mode, while in 5.0 you are not.

Re: winSCP 5 "500 invalid PORT command

here is the log:

I still get the "UNC paths are not supported"-error but I can now see the remote directory and browse it.

BTW I think I forgot to say I use "Commander"

Re: winSCP 5 "500 invalid PORT command

Can you post a log file also from version that used to work?

winSCP 5 "500 invalid PORT command

I have recently upgraded to WinSCP 5 (Build 1431) (WinXP fully updated)
and since then I can not access a server which I frequently have been using for uploading files.
The connection is made via FTP

Check complete log of connection and login
I can connect to server but not browse directories etc.