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Re: WinSCP doesn't complete file transfer

I'm not aware of any change that might cause this. Can you email me an log file showing the problem?

Re: WinSCP doesn't complete file transfer

I upgraded from an earlier version, 4.2.8, which is the version on my netbook.

I apologize for the slow reply, Apparently my first attempt didn't get posted.

Re: WinSCP doesn't complete file transfer

Have you upgraded from 4.3.2 or earlier version?

WinSCP doesn't complete file transfer

Earlier in the year, I upgrading WinSCP to version 4.3.3 Ever since, I have had problems uploading files. After starting transfer, the process stalls and the message "Host not communicating for more than 15 seconds" appears. WinSCP reconnects and the cycle begins again. This can occur for several cycles, resulting is partial transfer. The transfer is only successful with small files (a few Kb)

This problem occurs on both of our machines, each of which run on Windows XP Professional. The host runs on Lenux.

The earlier version of WinSCP on my netbook still works fine.