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Re: Memory leaks over 200mb

Can you please first try to upgrade to the last stable release 4.3.4 and check if the leak occurs with this version?

Memory leaks over 200mb

Using 4.2.7 version. I'll try to update and see if it's fixed.

Guys really, wtf? I'm getting memory leaks over 200mb, currenly running WinSCP instance have 211mb+ eaten RAM.

I'm using hibernate on my working notebook and rarely relaunch it.

I have auto-reconnect over ssh and i'm walking through dirs pretty often. Maybe there is some very small memory leak?

I have noticed +4-12 bytes memory leak each second.

Or some variables cleaning is required etc.

Using your product already 2 years, it's great software and i like it, but this leak is making me crazy on my netbook when there is 1gb RAM on board only.

Hope you will improve/remove cleaning and/or memory leaking.

Thanks ;)

P.S. Used Total Commander earlier btw.