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JDMils wrote:

The host is a VMware ESXi 4.1 host and I'm not sure where the session log files are stored as I'm not a Linux guru.

I do not think VMware has session log files!?

I've meant WinSCP session log.

The host is a VMware ESXi 4.1 host and I'm not sure where the session log files are stored as I'm not a Linux guru.

I do not think VMware has session log files!?

Re: Can WinSCP transfer files to & from VMware 4.1?

JDMils wrote:

I use putty to log into my VMware 4.1 hosts but was wondering that since WinSCP uses the same port as putty, will WinSCP connect?

More clients can connect to the same port.

Cannot initialize SFTP protocol. Is the host running a SFTP server?

I assume I have to initialise SFTP on the VMWare host- how do I do that?

What SSH software are you running on the host? Can you post a session log file?

Can WinSCP transfer files to & from VMware 4.1?

I use putty to log into my VMware 4.1 hosts but was wondering that since WinSCP uses the same port as putty, will WinSCP connect?

I tried it using V5.0.2 Build 1456 and I get the error:

Cannot initialize SFTP protocol. Is the host running a SFTP server?

I assume I have to initialise SFTP on the VMWare host- how do I do that?