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Re: XXL path problem

hanh@... wrote:

Case description.
Local: Win 7 File System; with some XXL pathname
Remote Backup: Linux ftp server (more than 1 tested; same result)
Action: Interactive winscp sync to remote
Version: 5.9 (build 6786)

winscp builds the complete XXL directory path on the Remote Backup.
Determines that a file has to be transferred from the source.
Ok till here. But afterwards....

Solution suggestion.
Maybe that when opening the file the \\? prefix before the pathname
is not used.

Thanks for your post.

This issue is being tracked already:

XXL path problem

Case description.
Local: Win 7 File System; with some XXL pathname
Remote Backup: Linux ftp server (more than 1 tested; same result)
Action: Interactive winscp sync to remote
Version: 5.9 (build 6786)

winscp builds the complete XXL directory path on the Remote Backup.
Determines that a file has to be transferred from the source.
Ok till here. But afterwards....

Solution suggestion.
Maybe that when opening the file the \\? prefix before the pathname
is not used.

Re: "Can't create file ..." on long names

pravm wrote:

I have learnt that there was amount of work/discussion around file-path issues. Wondering if this has been fixed yet ? I am facing a similar issue and I am using version 5.7.6(build 5874).

What protocol?

"Can't create file ..." on long names

I have learnt that there was amount of work/discussion around file-path issues. Wondering if this has been fixed yet ? I am facing a similar issue and I am using version 5.7.6(build 5874).

Re: Any news?

I've responded to your email a day after and I didn't get any response from you so far. I'm resending the email now.

Any news?


Do you have any news on this ? Do you confirm that this is a bug ?

Thank you!


Abnormal program termination


Hi Martin,

Thanks for your message. I ran the debug version yesterday night and the program crashed with the message "Abnormal program termination". I sent the log by email.



Re: Still happening in 5.7.6

Thanks for your report.
I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to the address you have used to register on this forum.

Still happening in 5.7.6


I've seen WinSCP supports long paths since 5.6 (see bug #821 :, but the issue still happens with 5.7.6. Here's the end of the log:

< 2016-02-22 12:10:24.239 Script: Synchronisation...

. 2016-02-22 12:10:24.239 Synchronizing local directory '\\?\C:\SyncRoot\data-replicas\Association\Fonctions\Représentants du personnel\Base de données économiques et sociales\Investissements\Investissement social\Situation en matière d'égalité professionnelle\' with remote directory '/data-replicas/Association/Fonctions/Représentants du personnel/Base de données économiques et sociales/Investissements/Investissement social/Situation en matière d'égalité professionnelle/', params = 0x1403 (Delete, NoConfirmation, BySize, Mirror)
. 2016-02-22 12:10:24.239 Copying 4 files/directories to remote directory "/data-replicas/Association/Fonctions/Représentants du personnel/Base de données économiques et sociales/Investissements/Investissement social/Situation en matière d'égalité professionnelle/"
. 2016-02-22 12:10:24.239   PrTime: Yes; PrRO: No; Rght: rw-r--r--; PrR: No (No); FnCs: N; RIC: 0100; Resume: Y (102400); CalcS: No; Mask: *.*
. 2016-02-22 12:10:24.239   TM: B; ClAr: No; RemEOF: No; RemBOM: No; CPS: 262144; NewerOnly: No; InclM: ; ResumeL: 0
. 2016-02-22 12:10:24.239   AscM: *.*html; *.htm; *.txt; *.php; *.php3; *.cgi; *.c; *.cpp; *.h; *.pas; *.bas; *.tex; *.pl; *.js; .htaccess; *.xtml; *.css; *.cfg; *.ini; *.sh; *.xml
. 2016-02-22 12:10:24.239 File: '\\?\C:\SyncRoot\data-replicas\Association\Fonctions\Représentants du personnel\Base de données économiques et sociales\Investissements\Investissement social\Situation en matière d'égalité professionnelle\Accord d'entreprise portant sur l'égalité professionnelle entre les hommes et les femmes VD.pdf' [2014-07-15T13:12:09.726Z] [1777531]
* 2016-02-22 12:10:24.271 (EOSError) Erreur système. Code : 3.

* 2016-02-22 12:10:24.271 Le chemin d’accès spécifié est introuvable
. 2016-02-22 12:10:24.271 Asking user:
. 2016-02-22 12:10:24.271 Fichier ou répertoire '\\?\C:\SyncRoot\data-replicas\Association\Fonctions\Représentants du personnel\Base de données économiques et sociales\Investissements\Investissement social\Situation en matière d'égalité professionnelle\Accord d'entreprise portant sur l'égalité professionnelle entre les hommes et les femmes VD.pdf' non existant. ("Erreur système. Code : 3.

. 2016-02-22 12:10:24.271 Le chemin d’accès spécifié est introuvable")
< 2016-02-22 12:10:24.271 Script: Fichier ou répertoire '\\?\C:\SyncRoot\data-replicas\Association\Fonctions\Représentants du personnel\Base de données économiques et sociales\Investissements\Investissement social\Situation en matière d'égalité professionnelle\Accord d'entreprise portant sur l'égalité professionnelle entre les hommes et les femmes VD.pdf' non existant.
< 2016-02-22 12:10:24.271 Script: Erreur système. Code : 3.

< 2016-02-22 12:10:24.271 Le chemin d’accès spécifié est introuvable
* 2016-02-22 12:10:24.271 (EScpSkipFile) Fichier ou répertoire '\\?\C:\SyncRoot\data-replicas\Association\Fonctions\Représentants du personnel\Base de données économiques et sociales\Investissements\Investissement social\Situation en matière d'égalité professionnelle\Accord d'entreprise portant sur l'égalité professionnelle entre les hommes et les femmes VD.pdf' non existant.
* 2016-02-22 12:10:24.271 Erreur système. Code : 3.
* 2016-02-22 12:10:24.271 Le chemin d’accès spécifié est introuvable
. 2016-02-22 12:10:24.271 Script: Failed
. 2016-02-22 12:10:24.271 Initiating key re-exchange (timeout)
. 2016-02-22 12:10:24.271 Script: Exit code: 1
. 2016-02-22 12:10:24.271 Closing connection.
. 2016-02-22 12:10:24.271 Sending special code: 12
. 2016-02-22 12:10:24.271 Sent EOF message

I use the "\\?\" notation. Do you have any idea of why it still fails ?


Re: WINSCP errors out: "Can't create file ..." on long names

danielsokolowski wrote:

I am also effected by this issue, but WINSCP can be fixed to work around MAX_PATH by using the '//?/' file reference format. Please see (sorry - can't get the URL tag to work).

And the fix would be to map any creation of files in WINSCP to use the '//?/' prefix.

Thanks for your suggestion. I'm aware of this technique.

This request is tracked here:

That's not really true

I was using TortoiseSVN on Windows and it can checkout and checkin files with long filepaths or names with no problem. Java can do the same on Windows and other applications also. I am not sure, but afaik FileZilla is also able to checkout long filepaths. Maybe the problem is not on Windows imposing that limit to WinSCP, but WinSCP depending on old Windows libraries.

Ok, that is what I was unsure of, thanks for the information!

macman104 wrote:

Maybe I'm not clear on what you mean, since it seems like the most straight-forward answer to your question would be "WinSCP can handle the problem by performing the transfer". Is that not possible?

Windows has limit of file path length. WinSCP cannot override that.

Maybe I'm not clear on what you mean, since it seems like the most straight-forward answer to your question would be "WinSCP can handle the problem by performing the transfer". Is that not possible?

Re: Transfer Deep File Paths

Well, how do you image WinSCP can handle this problem?

Transfer Deep File Paths


I did search for similar threads and saw a few reports, but nobody posted log files for you, so hopefully I can provide any logs information to help solve this problem. I did perform the initial test with an earlier version, but I just verified the issue still exists with the latest release.

WinSCP Version: 4.3.5 Build 1463
Problem After Upgrade: I don't think I've ever had deep enough file paths to encounter this before
Windows Version: Windows 7 Ultimate x64
Transfer Protocol: SFTP-3
Interface: GUI - Explorer
Can't create file
System Error. Code: 3.
The system cannot find the path specified
Steps to Recreate:
1) Create file path sufficiently deep
For reference, copying starting at the depth of BBBBB-3_3-BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB instead of AAA_AAAA_AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA is successful
2) In WinSCP explorer window, drag folder from remote location to desired location in windows explorer, drop folder
Software of Server: I'm not entirely clear what this would mean, but if I can get some direction/information I'm happy to try and get it

I will be emailing the log

**As the reverse: If I copy the files from deeper paths (which is successful then) and then recreate the file structure in my local copy, I can also not copy the full tree back to the remote server. It gives the same error that is given above (error code 3, can't create file)**