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Re: Queue Columns in Commander for Background Transfers

I cannot find the key in that location.
There is a:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Martin Prikryl\WinSCP 2\Configuration\QueueView

(no Interface sub-key prior to QueueView)

In any case I deleted it. This fixed the problem.

Thank you!

Re: Queue Columns in Commander for Background Transfers

Haven't seen the problem before.
Try deleting following registry key (make sure WinSCP is not running while doing that):
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Martin Prikryl\WinSCP 2\Configuration\Interface\QueueView

Queue Columns in Commander for Background Transfers

I am afraid I have done something silly.
After successfully using WinSCP for some time, now in the Commander Interface I only get the columns:
Operation Source Destination Progress

I no longer get 'Time Elapsed' or 'Estimated Time'.
How did I turn these off?
How can I turn them back on?
Calculate Total Size is 'checked'.
Shall I re-install?
I did not already upgrade because of the 'Beta' status of 5xx
And I also figure the problem is not software, but is me.

Version 4.2.1
The problem just started. I cannot trace it to after upgrade, etc...
Windows Vista Ultimate
SFTP with allow SCP fallback (Connects with SFTP-3)
Commander Style GUI
No Error Message
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