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Re: bugs: "copy path", drag-n-drop

negg wrote:

- the function "copy path to clipboard" adds a newline at the end of the string. So when the path gets pasted into a console like "cd [path]" the command is executed imidiately. Bad if you do a "tar cvfz [path]..."

Thanks. I'll change it.

- when I drag-n-drop with shellExt activated it does not work on network shares (like \\server\share\folder). It says:
"Only full (absolute) path is allowed". If that is what you mean by "works only with normal folders" I understand. But maybe its just a bug.

WinSCP does not support UNC paths yet.

bugs: "copy path", drag-n-drop

Hi prikryl!

Using WinSCP day by day...great app!

Two things I noticed however in the new features in v3.5.6 (XP):

- the function "copy path to clipboard" adds a newline at the end of the string. So when the path gets pasted into a console like "cd [path]" the command is executed imidiately. Bad if you do a "tar cvfz [path]..."

- when I drag-n-drop with shellExt activated it does not work on network shares (like \\server\share\folder). It says:
"Only full (absolute) path is allowed". If that is what you mean by "works only with normal folders" I understand. But maybe its just a bug.

Keep on keeping on!
negg [Martin Schuster]