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robdyk wrote:

I also have the same problem, i use winscp 3.7.2
0 byte files won't bee copied. Winscp reports "host hasn't answer for more than 15 seconds".

This is known bug of 3.7.2, just download the latest version.

I also have the same problem, i use winscp 3.7.2
0 byte files won't bee copied. Winscp reports "host hasn't answer for more than 15 seconds".

Re: Copied file results in a 0 byte file

What is your WinSCP version? Version 3.4.1 had same problem as you describe, when uploading files smaller than 4 kB.

Copied file results in a 0 byte file

The file in question is 818 bytes when detached (saved) from a Lotus Notes email to a directory on my PC. The file has been edited from a larger file to contain the desired test data, using Notepad. When I attempt an F4 Copy or a drag and drop from my PC to a Unix server, the copied file ends up to be 0 bytes. I've tried text and binary mode with no difference. One other person that has tried it has the same problem. However, another person in our company copied it fine. A few have suggested a possible authorization problem. However, I'm able to copy other files to the same directory on the same Unix box.