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Re: Authenticity problems

ccsweb wrote:

It does not matter to me what you call it

No, that's very important. Too many people are trying to use WinSCP as FTP client, which it is not.

I am having a problem with one of my customers setting IT up and getting authenticity errors?

The best is to check the SSH server log for authentication failure reason. Obviously, for security reasons, the client is not provided with such information.

Authenticity problems

It does not matter to me what you call it, I am having a problem with one of my customers setting IT up and getting authenticity errors?

Any ideas of what could be causing this problem?

Re: Authenticity problem

ccsweb wrote:

I set up an ftp access for this customer and he is having problems getting it to authenticate?

WinSCP is not FTP client. It is SFTP/SCP client.

Authenticity problem

It is trying to set up to a unix free bsd server. I have already for my root access to this server set up your client server and it works fine. I set up an ftp access for this customer and he is having problems getting it to authenticate?

Could it some how be a time out problem with it's set up??

Thanks for replying so quickly.

Don Grothoff

Re: Authentication problems in set up

What server? WinSCP is client application.

Authentication problems in set up

I have a customer trying to set up your server both at work and at home and it will not let him. It says it can not authenticate. What is he doing wrong?