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Re: how to determine whether a file exists in winSCP folder

There some example which should not be difficult to rewrite to C#:

Also the next version of WinSCP, coming out in few weeks, will including C# wrapper for WinSCP. It would make you task very simple.

Re: how to determine whether a file exists in winSCP folder

yup i want to check the existance of remote files

and also i am getting the error standardIN not redirected when i am debugging the service.

Re: how to determine whether a file exists in winSCP folder

mark.tony.alphonso wrote:

now is there a way to check whether a file exist in the folder in winscp so that i dont delete new files that have been recently uploaded.

So you want to check for an existence of a remote files?

how to determine whether a file exists in winSCP folder

hi all, i have built a window service(using C# code) which processes all the files that have been uploaded in the winSCP folder before the files are deleted

now is there a way to check whether a file exist in the folder in winscp so that i dont delete new files that have been recently uploaded.
