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Re: wincp to connect to ipod touch via wifi..will explain..


i have a ipod touch.

i use winscp and when im on my home network, i connect to the ipod just fine. i enter the ip my home network gives it and im in. no problems there.

what id like to do is this...

i have a sprint mogul (6800) which has wifi...

i have a program installed that lets me use the wifi connection of the sprint mogul to connect the ipod touch to the internet using the moguls data coonnection. i have a valid IP assigned from the use of this setup.

when im using this adhoc connection, id like to use winscp so i can connect to the ipod touch when im not on my home network.

winscp gives me a time out error after i enter the ip address and user info.

is there an way to allow winscp to connect to the ipod touch that gets its IP from the adhoc connection from the moguls wifi program?[/quote][color=blue][/color]

wincp to connect to ipod touch via wifi..will explain..


i have a ipod touch.

i use winscp and when im on my home network, i connect to the ipod just fine. i enter the ip my home network gives it and im in. no problems there.

what id like to do is this...

i have a sprint mogul (6800) which has wifi...

i have a program installed that lets me use the wifi connection of the sprint mogul to connect the ipod touch to the internet using the moguls data coonnection. i have a valid IP assigned from the use of this setup.

when im using this adhoc connection, id like to use winscp so i can connect to the ipod touch when im not on my home network.

winscp gives me a time out error after i enter the ip address and user info.

is there an way to allow winscp to connect to the ipod touch that gets its IP from the adhoc connection from the moguls wifi program?