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Re: Password prompt inaccessible after disconnect by Sleep mode

Please send me the debug version of WinSCP to redhat_2000 at yahoo dot com.

Re: Password prompt inaccessible after disconnect by Sleep mode

Can you send me an email, so I can send you back a debug version of WinSCP to track the problem? Please include link back to this topic in your email. Also note in this topic that you have sent the email. Thanks.

You will find my address (if you log in) in my forum profile.

Re: Password prompt inaccessible after disconnect by Sleep mode

The problem doesn't occur with 5.0.5 beta release but after the password submission a popup error window is raised with the message: "Invalid access to memory".
After closing the popup, WinSCP seems to work well.

Thank you,

Re: Password prompt inaccessible after disconnect by Sleep mode

Can you please try to reproduce the problem with 5.0.5 beta?

Re: Password prompt inaccessible after disconnect by Sleep mode

I confirm this annoying behavior.
I'm using WinSCP version 4.2.9 (Build 938) installed on Windows 7 Professional (SP1) 64bit.
I guess this happens only when WinSCP window is maximized.

Is there any patch or a newer version with this issue fixed?

Thanks for allowing posts without forcing registration.

Re: Password prompt inaccessible after disconnect by Sleep mode

Thanks for your post. I'll check it.

Password prompt inaccessible after disconnect by Sleep mode

Windows 7 32 bit
WinSCP 4.3.2

Edit a remote file
Computer to sleep
Wake up computer
Two windows shown in task bar (main and editor)
All windows unresponsive, sometimes password prompt visible when cycling through task switcher, but not visible when actually switching.
While main window is front, cannot switch to editor

Thanks for allowing posts without forcing registration..