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Topic review


Just a heads up that I had to re-enter saved passwords that contained non-standard characters. Confused me for a couple of days, but since all logins worked until recently, and all other saved logins still work, this is really the only explanation I came up with.

Awesome - that works like a charm. Thank you! :D

Re: Error 123

OK. Can you try 5.0.5 beta?

Here you are.

Re: Error 123

Can you post a screenshot?

Error 123

I'm trying to copy spam email to my server, so it can be scanned and included in an anti-spam list. Obviously, a lot of these mails have foreign encoding of some sort. When I open WinSCP, special characters are replaced with a ? and when I try to move them over to my server, WinSCP gives me a 123 Error.

I've searched these forums, but did't find a solution. I've opened sessions forcing Unicode on and off, but neither did anything for me. Is there any way to WinSCP these files without having to rename them?
