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Re: ipcop

Gillos2004 wrote:

I try to connect on my FIREWALL
I open WinScp i writing ipcop and port 22

I think the ssh service is not running as default in IPCop, you have to start it through the web interface.

Re: ipcop

Gillos2004 wrote:

I try to connect on my FIREWALL
I open WinScp i writing ipcop and port 22

I believe you need to use port 222 to connect to IPCop instead of port 22.

Re: ipcop

What is an error message? Can you try to login with Putty SSH client?


I am a new user in linux.
I have installed FIREWALL ipcop on PC, very good.
I have 2 PC.
Modem cable etc..
I download WinSCP for windows.
I try to connect on my FIREWALL
I open WinScp i writing ipcop and port 22
change anything for SSH.
At this time open windows:
login as......a enter root ans password.
login as.: root
password: ipcop
error the login appear again.....
try 3 times, no connexion.

I try to enter root and my password NOTHING after
manny retry.
I login IPCOP FIREWALL, ROOT or SETUP very good.
I open on my browser IEXPLORER and login good too, isee default page IPCOP.

I would like to connect on linux firewall for transfet and install Addons.