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Topic review


Re: drag & drop problem

Since 5.14, it is always possible to use drag&drop to move remote files to external applications, while copy is always the default operation.

Re: drag & drop problem

The option to disable "move" at all is all right. Is it possible to add it back in a future version?

OK, I may.

Re: drag & drop problem

martin wrote:

There was not such an option. There was option that disabled the "move" at all, making "copy" only possible option. I have add new F.A.Q (<invalid hyperlink removed by admin>). on this topic.

The option to disable "move" at all is all right. Is it possible to add it back in a future version?

Thank you.

Re: drag & drop problem

Yue wrote:

Problem: When drag and drop a file from remote panel to a place that cannot accept the file, the file is still downloaded to temporary directory. For example, just drag the file INSIDE the remote panel. The mouse cursor correctly shows that you cannot drop the file in the remot panel. But if you release the mouse button there, the file is still copied to the temporary directory, which should not happen.

Thanks, I'll fix it.

A feature request: I really don't like the default drag and drop to be MOVE. (I know that I can use Ctrl key to force COPY) There used to be an option to control whether drag from remote panel is MOVE or COPY. Is it possible to get this option back?

There was not such an option. There was option that disabled the "move" at all, making "copy" only possible option. I have add new F.A.Q (<invalid hyperlink removed by admin>). on this topic.

drag & drop problem

WinSCP version: 3.5.6
Drag & drop preference: use temporary directory. (I did not install the shell extension)
Problem: When drag and drop a file from remote panel to a place that cannot accept the file, the file is still downloaded to temporary directory. For example, just drag the file INSIDE the remote panel. The mouse cursor correctly shows that you cannot drop the file in the remot panel. But if you release the mouse button there, the file is still copied to the temporary directory, which should not happen.

A feature request: I really don't like the default drag and drop to be MOVE. (I know that I can use Ctrl key to force COPY) There used to be an option to control whether drag from remote panel is MOVE or COPY. Is it possible to get this option back?

Thank you very much.
