I'm running WinSCP 4.3.6 with Commander interface on WinXP Pro 32-bit SP2 and use it to connect to my LAN vsftpd.
If I happen to delete or create files using another application (BitTorrent client, SSH client) then WinSCP will keep showing the older file list (is this called 'tree'?), the one it first saw.
Only when I perform an operation (like copying) with WinSCP itself, it will refresh the tree.
I'm looking for a way to have the dirs/tree refreshed each time I enter a dir (like WinSCP does with SSH connections), or have a hotkey/combination to refresh it manually. The first is much more preferable than the second.
I can see that there is a '
Cache visited remote directories' option, but it's not present in version 4.3.6 that I'm using.
I can submit my .ini file if that will help.