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Re: How to treat home directory as root directory?

martin wrote:

Unfortunately the SFTP server running on my Buffalo LS-WXL Linkstation NAS does not appear to have this functionality. I will look into this.

Thanks for the excellent software and your efforts to make it better!

How to treat home directory as root directory?

Running WinSCP 4.3.6 on Windows 7 using SFTP-3 to access a Buffalo Linkstation (LS-WXL) NAS. Root directory on Buffalo NAS is /mnt/array1 with user home directories below i.e. /mnt/array1/USER1.

On the WinSCP client (GUI/Commander) the user's home directory is set to /mnt/array1/USER1. I would like to prevent the user from moving above the home directory, effectively treating the home directory as the root directory.

As far as I know there is no way to set the home directory as the root directory on the server side (Buffalo NAS). Is there any way to treat the home directory as the root directory through WinSCP? If not, is it possible to add this feature to WinSCP?