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Re: copy / move to subdirectory by drag and drop

I have already noticed this. It will be fixed in the next version. The bug is there since the "remote move" function was introduced. I just wonder why anyone has not noticed it sooner :-) I had not because it works on my SFTP server, but it is probably the only server where it works :-)

copy / move to subdirectory by drag and drop

I'm a new user and I'm having the same problem ...

copy / move to subdirectory by drag and drop

copy / move a remote-file to a remote-subdirectory by drag and drop on a remote server (AIX) does not work inside the same window. The same to explorer,desktop etc. works. (I used the Drag&drop option "use this directory ..." in the preferences and SFTP with SSH2).
I get this message:
No such file or directory.
Error code:2
Error message from server: No such file(*)
Request code: 18

It works well with older Version 3.5