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Re: Copy name and or path to clipboard

billy wrote:

The new functions copy name and or path of remote server to clipboard (V.3.5.6) copy that with a CRLF at the end.
That prevents using the clipboard in a command-line, because by pasting it as a parameter the command will be executed at once.
(Ex. "cp name_in_clipboard newname" is not possible)
Remove the CRLF at the end.

I know this already. It will be fixed in the next release.

Copy name and or path to clipboard

The new functions copy name and or path of remote server to clipboard (V.3.5.6) copy that with a CRLF at the end.
That prevents using the clipboard in a command-line, because by pasting it as a parameter the command will be executed at once.
(Ex. "cp name_in_clipboard newname" is not possible)
Remove the CRLF at the end.

Re: get file path on remote server

Since 3.5.5 there are commands "Copy to Clipboard" and "Copy to Clipboard (Include Paths)" in "File names" submenu in "File(s)" menu.

get file path on remote server

i want to be able to quickly copy the path of a selected file on the remote server i'm connecting to. when i right click on a file and select "proerties" the "location" field has exactly what i want, but it doesn't seem possible to copy the data in that field at all.

i tried creating a custom command that will return the pwd of the file. i created a command called "pwd" with the value "pwd" that seems to do something, but it doesn't return anything to me.

any adive? thanks lots in advance!