- petr.pavel
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Topic review
- skirienko2
Looks like WinSCP Plugin for Far 1.6.2 also doesn't work with recent (unstable) versions of Far Manager x86 (tried with Far20b1573.x86.20100526.msi). Fortunately, works with "stable" Far x86 (Far20b1420.x86.20100225).
- martin
Re: FAR Plugin 1.6.2 doesn't work with FAR x64
Could you please provide x64 build of the plugin?
It will take some time. Months at least.
- skirienko2
FAR Plugin 1.6.2 doesn't work with FAR x64
I use Windows 7 Pro x64 and try to use x64 programs in it. So I also use FAR Manager x64. But the problem is that WinSCP Plugin (1.6.2) for FAR Manager doesn't work in FAR x64.
After plugin installation and restarting Far, plugin doesn't appear in Far's disk menu, Plugins Configuration menu, or F11 menu. Far works OK, the plugin seems to be installed correctly. Just doesn't work.
Version of FAR: 2.0 build 1556 x64.
Could you please provide x64 build of the plugin?
After plugin installation and restarting Far, plugin doesn't appear in Far's disk menu, Plugins Configuration menu, or F11 menu. Far works OK, the plugin seems to be installed correctly. Just doesn't work.
Version of FAR: 2.0 build 1556 x64.
Could you please provide x64 build of the plugin?