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MrCoffee wrote:

I'm also getting the same error. Win7 64bit. 5.0.6 Build 2074

Thanks for your report.
I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to address you have used to register on this forum.

I'm also getting the same error. Win7 64bit. 5.0.6 Build 2074

mtylerb wrote:

I have gotten this same error. Either when I disconnect the Wi-Fi or resume from sleep mode. No hibernate on this laptop. I also have another bug, but I'll make a new post for that.

Thanks for your report.
I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to address you have used to register on this forum.

I have gotten this same error. Either when I disconnect the Wi-Fi or resume from sleep mode. No hibernate on this laptop. I also have another bug, but I'll make a new post for that.

Thanks for the reply! You can send email directly to one of my non-spam-filtered address at: spambin~at~mail ru

Re: Invalid access to memory

BuggB wrote:

I'm getting "Invalid accesst to memory" errors not only after resuming, but it happens as well when you disconnect your connection (either turn off wifi or just plug off lan cable) and trying to reconnect after switching your connections back on. It happens with every version i tried. Really very annoying problem. I'm using Win7 32bit, I don't remember it happened when i was using WinXP.

Can you send me an email, so I can send you back a debug version of WinSCP to track the problem? Please include link back to this topic in your email. Also note in this topic that you have sent the email. Thanks.

You will find my address (if you log in) in my forum profile.

Invalid access to memory

I'm getting "Invalid accesst to memory" errors not only after resuming, but it happens as well when you disconnect your connection (either turn off wifi or just plug off lan cable) and trying to reconnect after switching your connections back on. It happens with every version i tried. Really very annoying problem. I'm using Win7 32bit, I don't remember it happened when i was using WinXP.

Re: The same problem - 5.0.5, Win7 Ultimate 32-bit, on hibernate

Alex, the Marrch Ca'at wrote:

Good day to you. I'm having the same problem - after restoring from Hibernate mode, WinSCP dispalyes 2 or 3 "Invalid access to memory" messages then crashes. I'd be glad to provide you with any additional info, including debug logs from any debug build you provide, if you still need it. My email is alexsvetalena--(at)--mail--ru

I have sent you an email with link to a debug version.
Alex, the Marrch Ca'at

The same problem - 5.0.5, Win7 Ultimate 32-bit, on hibernate

Good day to you. I'm having the same problem - after restoring from Hibernate mode, WinSCP dispalyes 2 or 3 "Invalid access to memory" messages then crashes. I'd be glad to provide you with any additional info, including debug logs from any debug build you provide, if you still need it. My email is alexsvetalena--(at)--mail--ru

Re: "Invalid access to memory" after resuming from sleep

I have sent you a link with a debug version.

"Invalid access to memory" after resuming from sleep

Winscp 5.05 (Build 1782)

If I have a WinSCP session open when the computer goes to sleep, I get "Invalid Access to Memory" when Windows resumes.