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Topic review


Final update

Final update on this one: after a few more e-mail exchanges with Martin, it appears that none of the 5.x versions exhibit the behavior I complained about. Unfortunately 5.x is in beta for the time being, but if you encounter this issue at least you have a way out.

For the record, Martin sent me a dev version that worked. Yay, thank you Martin!

Gutza wrote:

For the record, I have sent in two traces a couple of days ago via e-mail.

Got it, will reply in few days.

For the record, I have sent in two traces a couple of days ago via e-mail.

I haven't received anything. However, I just realized the problem might be related to SpiderOak, because (1) I've never experienced this before installing SpiderOak, (2) it only appears to happen in directories synchronized with SpiderOak, and (3) I've been able to reproduce it on Windows XP, for directories synched with SpiderOak (the original report was related to Windows 7).

SpiderOak does provide a free version, so I think you should be able to replicate the problem yourself. Please let me know if you need further input, I'd be glad to help.


Re: WinSCP fails opening local directory

Can you send me an email, so I can send you back a debug version of WinSCP to track the problem? Please include link back to this topic in your email. Also note in this topic that you have sent the email. Thanks.

You will find my address (if you log in) in my forum profile.

WinSCP fails opening local directory

I'm using WinSCP 4.3.6 on Windows 7/64; the problem was manifesting itself in the previous version as well (I upgraded hoping this would fix itself, but no joy).

The problem is that WinSCP simply refuses to open some local directories (yes, local!) Double-clicking the directory does nothing, right-clicking HIDES the directory from the panel (although right-clicking on another directory or refreshing makes it reappear), and if I try to drag content from the "forbidden" directory (opened in Windows Explorer) to the remote pane I get an error saying "System Error. Code: 3. The system cannot find the path specified".

In reality the path is very much available, and there are no special permission issues that I'm aware of (I open those directories in Windows Explorer in the usual way, with no acrobatics whatsoever); the files therein are also quite bland, there's absolutely nothing special about them (they aren't huge, there aren't a lot of them, there's just nothing special about those directories).