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Topic review


Stefan wrote:

I can only connect with ssh/scp to my servers. Is ther any programm wich supports ssh/scp AND site to site?

If it would be your programm, than it would be perfect :-)

WinSCP cannot do this :-( I also do not know any tool that can do this.

I can only connect with ssh/scp to my servers. Is ther any programm wich supports ssh/scp AND site to site?

If it would be your programm, than it would be perfect :-)

I really depend on that.

Best regards


Re: copy from one remote shell to another remote shell (fxp like) ?

Well, it may be possible. But it won't be implemented soon. The wish list is already too long.

copy from one remote shell to another remote shell (fxp like) ?

Hey there ..

Totally cool program, cannot live with out it .. heh.
Is there any chance that WinSCP supports/or supports
in the future FXP-like function.

Connect to 2 remote shell's and transfere between
the connected shells, maybe through the PC, dont know.
Would be nice in backup situations, where you can only use WinSCP (not PuTTy).
