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Re: while trying to copy from Linux to Win2K got an error

Since 3.2, characters not supported by Windows are substituted on download. Please upgrade.

Re: while trying to copy from Linux to Win2K got an error

martin wrote:

What version of WinSCP?

It's Version 3.0.0 (Build 159)

Re: while trying to copy from Linux to Win2K got an error

What version of WinSCP?

Re: while trying to copy from Linux to Win2K got an error

The problem caused from the file name which included colon - Linux support colons in file names, but, Win2k does not.

jermy wrote:

Error Message Dialog Box:

Assertion failed: File, file C:\Martin\Projekty\WinSCP2\components\UnixDirView.cpp, line 814

The message Box stuck and I can't close it.

What to do :?: :?: :?:

while trying to copy from Linux to Win2K got an error

Error Message Dialog Box:

Assertion failed: File, file C:\Martin\Projekty\WinSCP2\components\UnixDirView.cpp, line 814

The message Box stuck and I can't close it.

What to do :?: :?: :?: