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Re: passphrase prompts in batch

zeiglerw2 wrote:

Can you show an example of where to properly put "option batch abort"? Here is the command I am using:
C:\WinSCP.exe /console Stored_Session /command "cd Some/Directory" "put some*.file"

Where would I put option batch abort? ... as a command in quote?

C:\WinSCP.exe /console /command "option batch abort" "open Stored_Session" "cd Some/Directory" "put some*.file"

Re: passphrase prompts in batch

Can you show an example of where to properly put "option batch abort"? Here is the command I am using:
C:\WinSCP.exe /console Stored_Session /command "cd Some/Directory" "put some*.file"

Where would I put option batch abort? ... as a command in quote?

You are right, I tried to replicate the problem and there is a timeout after 10 seconds.
I don't know how I got that problem in the first place.

This report can be ignored then, thanks.

Re: passphrase prompts in batch

The prompt should timeout after 10 seconds.
What vrsion of WinsCP are you using?
Please post a full log file showing the problem.

passphrase prompts in batch

In console batch mode when you have a private key with password, even if using "option batch abort" "option confirm off", you get a prompt blocking the script instead of an abort.
